• 4.5/5.0
  • 12k Enrolled
  • All levels
  • Start 29 September 2024

Course description

Bapak / Ibu dosen yth, silahkan mengedit deskripsi dari matakuliah THE STUDY OF DRAMA I ini.

What you’ll learn
  • Meeting 1: Course Introduction
  • Meeting 2: Trifles by Susan Glaspell (Part 1)
  • Meeting 3: Trifles by Susan Glaspell (Part 2)
  • Meeting 4: Trifles by Susan Glaspell (Part 3- Discussion)
  • Meeting 5: The Sandbox by Edward Albee (Part 1)
  • Meeting 6: The Sandbox by Edward Albee (Part 2)
  • Meeting 7: The Sandbox by Edward Albee (Part 3- Discussion)
  • Meeting 8: Midterm Evaluation (Riders to the Sea by John Millington Synge)
  • Meeting 9: Riders to the Sea by John Millington Synge (Discussion)
  • Meeting 10: Riders to the Sea by John Millington Synge
  • Meeting 11: Riders to the Sea by John Millington Synge
  • Meeting 12: Elements of Theatre 1- Performers and Actors (Read, Summarize, and Share)
  • Meeting 13: Elements of Theatre 2- Spectators and audiences (Read, Summarize, and Share)
  • Meeting 14: Elements of Theatre 3- Spaces and places (Read, Summarize, and Share)
  • Meeting 15: Final Evaluation (Prodigal Son by Garrison Keillor)
  • Meeting 16: Final Self-Evaluation

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  • Lectures 30
  • Duration 4h 50m
  • Skills Beginner
  • Deadline 28 March 2025
  • Certificate Yes

  • 4.5/5.0