Spada Indonesia

Indonesia Cyber Education Institute has partnered with Spada Indonesia to offer you high-quality learning opportunities from the world's best institutions and universities

Computer Networks

About This Course Students should master the basic knowledge of computer network, basic principles and some important protocols. These include network-related terms and protocols(TCP/IP protocol), network standards, OSI reference model, LAN technology(Ethernet is the emphasis), physical layer, data link layer, network layer, transport layer and basic functions of Application layer, the

Global Tourism Development Trends

Global Tourism Development Trends is organized into 5 weeks. Each week a new chapter will be covered. Globally tourism has been one of the fastest growing industries, contributing more than 10% of the global GDP. Every one out of the 11 jobs was created by the travel and tourism industry (WTTC,

A Survey of Countries for Potential Clients and Tourists

About This Course This course is mainly about geography, history, people, cultures and customs in 16 different countries. They are Thailand, Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia and South Korea in Asia; New Zealand in the Pacific, the United States and Brazil in the Americas; the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Russia

Metode Observasi

Tentang Kuliah Ini "Melihat" biasa dilakukan sehari-hari. Tapi tidak semua kegiatan "melihat" tersebut menghasilkan data dan kesimpulan yang objektif dan bermakna. Jika tidak dilakukan dengan teknik yang baik, bisa jadi kesimpulan dari "melihat" itu malah jadi menyesatkan. Di kuliah ini mahasiswa berlatih melakukan observasi mulai dari tahap persiapan, pelaksanaan, hingga pengolahan

Manajemen Proyek

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Mata kuliah ini mempelajari konsep mengenai manajemen proyek secara umum. Kemudian dilanjuti dengan penerapan teori manajemen proyek tersebut kedalam aplikasi manajemen proyek; Ms. Project. Selain itu kompetensi yang harus dicapai ialah mampu membuat aplikasi alternatif project management dengan Ms. Excel. Matakuliah ini memiliki besaran 3 SKS dan ditujukan

Manajemen Kegiatan dan Keprotokolan

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Mata Kuliah ini memberikan pemahaman kepada para mahasiswa cara mengelola kegiatan/acara, baik baik online maupun offline. Disamping itu juga memberikan pemahaman dan praktek keprotokolan baik untuk acara resmi ataupun tidak resmi. Bobot SKS : 3 Jenjang : Diploma Catatan Peserta : Mahasiswa dianjurkan menguasai dasar public speaking, dikelompokan

The Aesthetics of Chinese - Class Teaching Theory and Practice of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

About this course This course is composed of five chapters. The first chapter is a general introduction to explain the history and nature of Chinese international education. The second chapter is the necessary common sense of Chinese international teachers to introduce what preparations to make to become a qualified Chinese teacher;

Transcultural & Issues in Nursing

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Mata kuliah ini menggambarkan isu-isu dan tren baik secara nasional maupun global yang memengaruhi praktik keperawatan dan pelayanan kesehatan. Mahasiswa akan mampu menunjukkan kemampuan dalam berpikir kritis dan berpartisipasi dalam diskusi terkait isu baik di tingkat nasional maupun global dengan menggunakan sudut pandang kristiani. Mata kuliah ini juga

Psikologi Kepribadian 2

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah: Mata kuliah ini memaparkan mengenai teori-teori kepribadian menurut pandangan berbagai tokoh dari aliran Eksistensialis dan Humanis. Mata kuliah ini memfasilitasi mahasiswa untuk mengkaji perkembangan dan pengalaman seorang individu berdasarkan sudut pandang berbagai tokoh yang dipelajari. Capaian Pembelajaran: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan kepribadian sebagai keunikan individu. Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis pengalaman

Global Supply Chain Management

Course Name : Global Supply Chain Management University: Universitas Pelita Harapan, Jakarta-Indonesia Course Characteristic : Self Paced Estimate Time to Complete this Course: 8 weeks Course Code : UPHx MGT97738 Credits : 3 Course Development Version Code: 01010222-MGN Deskripsi Mata Kuliah: Dalam course Global Supply Chain Management, mahasiswa akan diperkenalkan terhadap

Nursing Informatics

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah: Dalam mata kuliah ini, siswa akan mengeksplorasi penggunaan informatika dalam praktik keperawatan dan perannya dalam meningkatkan layanan perawatan dan peningkatan kualitas. Penerapan kompetensi literasi digital dalam praktik keperawatan akan dibahas. Siswa akan menganalisis masalah yang berkaitan dengan perlindungan privasi, kerahasiaan, integritas data, dan keamanan informasi kesehatan. Mata kuliah

Pengantar Sistem Informasi

Selamat Datang di Mata Kuliah Pengantar Sistem Informasi Mata Kuliah : Pengantar Sistem Informasi Universitas Penyelenggara: Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) Karakteristik Mata Kuliah : Self Paced Rencana waktu untuk menyelesaikan modul: 8 minggu Kode Matakuliah : SYS20011 Bidang Ilmu Mata Kuliah: Sistem Informasi Bobot : 4 SKS Kode Versi Pengembangan Mata

3ds Max: A Quick Start from Zero to One

About this course 3ds Max is a 3D computer graphics application for 3D modelling, animations, and rendering. With its efficient system design, powerful polygon modeling functionality, and the support of many plug-ins, 3ds Max is recognized by many scholars as an easy-to-learn, easy-to-use, and powerful 3D software for game production, virtual

Electric Circuits

About This Course This course is the foundation on which most courses in the electronic information engineering. The concepts and methods introduced in this course will be used in the other course. It is an important basis of technology. It is an introductory course to study the theory of circuit. Through

Financial Economics

About This Course With the rapid development of modern social economy, it is important to study finance with many reasons such as managing personal resources, dealing with the world of business and pursuing interesting and rewarding career opportunities. Finance can also expand the understanding of how the real word works. The

Tunnel Construction Ventilation

About This Course This course is one of the core tasks of tunnel construction safety management. Through the study of this course, we can master the basic theory and methods of tunnel construction ventilation, including the design of tunnel construction ventilation, the implementation of tunnel construction ventilation, the precautions for tunnel

Learning Erhu From Scratch

About This Course The course systematically introduces the basic technique and methods of Erhu performance, is characterized by its simplicity and comprehensiveness, and explains the key points and difficulties. After finishing this course, the students will know how to play the Erhu, and acquire the ability of playing as well. Requirements

The Principle of Auditing

About This Course In this course, we focus on CPA auditing. We explain the basic priniciples of auditing and use the simple words and examples to explain the concepts, and the students can understand the professional concepts of auditing and bring up auditing thinking after learning. Course Staff Li Yuedong She

Artistic Creation of Photography

1.Learning objective: make a "photography; beginner" grow into a "photography; guru." 2. Course content: "Artistic; Creation of Photography" MOOC includes five major modules: composition, angle, modeling, color, and lighting. Composition is the core of photography, which directly affects the visual weight and the thematic expression of the picture. The angle chosen

Internal Medicine

About This Course Internal medicine is an important subject in the field of clinical medicine. It involves a wide range of aspects and is highly integrated. In the diagnosis and prevention of diseases of various organ systems in the human body, the characteristic of internal medicine is that the diagnostic and